
Start a new adventure with the Georgian-American School of Tbilisi

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Principal’s Greeting

Dear children and parents,

I am delighted to share the good news with you  that a brand new campus of Georgian-American School of Tbilisi with its outstanding mission was built in our capital in September 2023.

We strongly believe that each of you will be happy to take the academic journey with us as we will provide you the opportunity to reveal your strengths, interests and discover a lot both within yourselves and in the world. We create an environment where each of you will feel safe and secure as we learn to stand by each other and trust each other.

Besides education, we pay a lot of attention to a healthy lifestyle. Sports and healthy diet are on of our priorities.

In our school, we help each child to identify personal strengths. We teach how to become independent, how to build skills at their own, and how to succeed in their future careers. I do believe that after graduating from our school, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills for personal development, as well as for wellbeing of your families and the country.